Coaltec Energy owns a commercial scale gasification test and demonstration facility located at the Coal Research Park of Southern Illinois University in Carterville, Illinois. The system was primarily designed to demonstrate the gasification process and to test new fuels and combinations of fuels at a commercial scale.
Alternate fuels that have been successfully tested include: chicken manure, turkey litter, cow manure, hog manure, refuse-derived fuel, ethanol mash, corn stover, fine coal refuse, spent brewer’s grain, and paper sludge. The ability to test fuels and demonstrate the performance of new applications of proven technologies minimizes potential risks.

Carterville test facility showing gasifier in the background with hydraulic rams and fuel bin (feed system) in foreground
Coaltec’s testing system includes a feed system, gasifier, oxidizer, and exhaust stack. It is designed to produce a 2000+ degree flue gas for subsequent energy use. The specially designed system is capable of gasifying all coals, a variety of biomass fuels, refuse-derived fuel, wood debris, and a range of other fuels, either individually or co-fired. Commercial systems are designed specific to the fuel to be consumed.
The testing system has significant instrumentation including multiple thermocouples to allow monitoring of temperature in various stages of the reaction, as well as flow rate monitors. Multiple sampling ports allow measurement of gas composition in the stack as well as between the gasifier and oxidizer. Various gas analyzers are connected to provide gas composition information and emissions data.
Currently monitored are NOx, SOx, CO, and CO2. Grab samples are collected and checked with a gas chromatograph. The sampling system is ported to allow third-party emissions testing per EPA specs.